When Faith & Politics Collide

To say 2020 has been an odd year is an understatement. At some point I started waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out of a giant van and inform the world that “We’ve just been PUNK’D!” So far, however, it appears Ashton is nowhere to be found, and this is indeed reality. The most recent bizarre event I heard of included a meteor headed straight for earth, which in all honestly, is one of the least surprising things to happen this year. In March, COVID-19 went from being a ‘joke’ to a ‘pandemic’ in a matter of days. “Flatten the Curve” banners & “Stay Home, Save Lives” mantras were everywhere. The toilet paper disappeared from stores, and the tin foil hats came out in full force. 2 weeks turned in to four months in the state of CA, and the confusion of how to proceed is most definitely as alive and well as it was day one of the statewide shut down. People have certainly questioned the integrity of the government, the motives of big pharma, & the role of the private citizen as we question who indeed the government really works for (if you are an American, this is my not so subtle reminder that the government works for you. WE THE PEOPLE ‘should’ be in control.)   We have sat in isolation, empowered by our laptops and articles. We have eaten up the ‘media of the day’ in hopes that consumption of one-sided information should surely ‘keep the covid away.’ It’s interesting, isn’t it? 


I do not pretend to be an expert on the US constitution or science. In fact, I don’t even really do that many essential oils, so I don’t pretend to be an expert on homeopathy either. I have been a law-abiding citizen, a relatively quiet millennial, anti-politics, generally pro-vaccinations, and over all might classify myself as 
“just some cute church musician who writes poetic monologues and scripts from time to time.” I am nothing special. No genius, no degree other than a B.A., 8 years experience in the work-force, a mom of two, and a worship pastor in a mega church who has become a center for scrutiny in the wake of ‘defiance’ regarding Governor Newsom’s orders. To say the last several months have challenged me, molded me, and inspired me would be as grand as understatement as claiming COVID is nothing to worry ourselves with, because it is ‘temporary.’ To say the last several months has not philosophically, politically, sociologically, and Theologically uprooted me would be a grave and dishonest assessment of myself. 2020 changed everything for me, and I believe it is changing everything for the Church. 


I have been blessed to grow up in a family where differences of opinion and beliefs were welcome topics of conversations. Even when tense, disagreements were never a source of belittlement, rather, we were encouraged to think and feel deeply (even when it was uncomfortable.)  We were allowed to ask questions. We were encouraged to find the Truth. As a child, I vividly remember telling my parents (at 5 or 6 years old) that I did not care whether they believed in Santa Clause, because I did, and I would not be convinced otherwise. I have never been swayed by the popular opinion, because even as a child, I was allowed to be rooted in conviction & passion, even if it was in fact, unpopular. I was taught the art of appreciating differences, but also simultaneously grounding myself in Faith, UNBENDING in a worldview where Jesus Christ was the center of it all. Love God. Love People. Growing up in this great nation, my millennial self was privileged and gifted the ability to DISAGREE with my government and with other authority figures around me. GIFTED with the ability to choose, discover, research, journey, and DECIDE who I would align myself with and WHAT I would align myself with. Could you imagine a world where we were UNABLE to disagree with each other without being labeled ‘evil,’ or ‘hateful?’ Prior to a few months ago, I could not imagine that world… But I have begun to see the writing on the wall as who I am as a Christ follower & a conservative have in fact threatened to cancel me, and any relationship I have built with those who do not share my beliefs. What a terrifying world that would be… a world without the freedom to think freely & act according to your moral convictions. 


Over the course of the last several weeks, as my church made the bold decision to remain open and hold indoor services despite the governor’s orders to shut down and either meet outside in groups less than 100 (in over 100 degree weather, no less) or go back to online services, I was confronted with a question I never had to ask before… “WHAT do I believe God is asking us to do in this moment? WHO has the final say? WHAT does the first amendment mean TODAY?” The simple answer that I have heard far too often from my Christian friends has been Romans 13.. which, in essence, encourages believers to obey the governing authorities, because it is in fact, God who granted them authority in the first place. The problem with this exegetical interpretation is this: When the government goes against your belief system, do you bend your beliefs and convictions to follow them? Is Government the new God? This over-simplified and out of context exegetical response to Romans 13 is a VERY American way of thinking: As if Christians in China submit to their government, as if Christians in Iran submit to their government, as if Christians all over the world accept SUBMISSION & OBEDIENCE to government OVER submission & obedience to God (who, by the way, is Sovereign, and does not change or bend to support the woke agenda. Just in case you forgot, God is not an American, and He is not a politician.)  The decisions I have made in my life over these past several months, and the choice to align myself fully with the decision of my church has not been one that was made out of rebellion, haste, or stupidity. It was one made prayerfully, thoughtfully, and boldly, with a healthy amount of fear behind the curtain of seeming defiance. (Reminder that things are NEVER as simple as they appear.)  


At the end of the ‘decision’ journey rose a conviction and an awakening like I have never experienced. A discomfort with the truth: The Church was being called out of hiding, I was being called out of comfort. I was being called to stand for something so that I would not fall for anything. Called to be salt and light. Called to love. Called to worship. Called to create. Called to open my eyes and see that our struggle was in fact not against flesh and blood. There was evil at work, and it was not an agenda or a human being… it was the work of the enemy, cunning and crafty. Speaking half-truths that appeared sexy and appealing, and doing exactly what he did in the garden with Eve when he simply asked the question “Did God really say?” There has been a careful dismantling of the American church that began with Christians entertaining an interpretation of Scripture that is convenient, sexy, and grey. There has been an attack on conviction, labeling such as ‘indoctrination.’


Prior to 2020 I had no interest in politics or these types of conversations, because I felt they did not affect my way of life, or my Faith. I felt I could have a ‘silent witness,’ package up my ‘Jesus’ in an appealing way that would not ‘offend’ in order to not ‘hinder my witness.’ The sentiment and heart of what I was indenting was good, but my friends… Because of this crossroads we have been faced with as a nation and as Christians, I have realized with full disclosure… I have been wrong.  We cannot be salt & light and remain silent. We cannot be quiet in our pursuit of liberty, or silently fight for life. We must live our lives as if the Kingdom of Heaven was near (because it is). I must live my life in a way that glorifies Christ, but may appear foolish to those who do not know Him. I must live in the tension of serving God the best I know how with the full knowledge that at times, I will get it WRONG.


To sum up the decisions I have made over the past several months regarding my Christian Faith juxtaposed with my citizenship as an American citizen?


I would rather be labeled a religious fanatic and holy roller than be woke, silent, or frozen. I will not be on the wrong side of revival. I have come to understand that your faith and politics cannot be separate, because one always should affect the others.  


I will ALWAYS believe in the infallible, unchangeable word of God. His Word is the most ‘woke’ material you will ever get your hands on. Anything outside the Word of God is mere and clever deception parading itself as a sexier version of ‘truth’ that will eventually devastate.


For as long as God continues to have His Hand of blessing over this country? The country I live in? I will not stay silent, because as previously stated… Faith & Politics go hand in hand, and they cannot be separate. 


So I will vote, for the first time ever with a true and passionate conviction to do so. I will vote for HOPE. For Religious Freedom. For Life. For Justice. For Equality.


I will vote, as the left says, “Like my life depends on it,” because it does, and so do my children’s lives, and so do your lives. I will vote for capitalism. I will vote for people over party. For Democracy.  For the right to teach my own children about gender and sex in the way I see fit. I will vote for real diversity and not popularity. I will vote for a nation where unity is the narrative. 



2020. What a time to be alive. 




  1. Amazing words, Rachel. Thank you.

  2. Would love to know which candidate you see as doing all that? I can't figure it out, so I'm asking with the utmost respect. We seem to believe the same things, so I really would value your insight.

    1. Hey Mona,

      That is a great question, and one that I have grappled with for months. My first suggestion would be to look at the actions rather than the words when selecting your candidate. BOTH parties and people are surrounded with droves of people who are writing pretty speeches and curating specific 'imagery' to help the narrative that will get them votes. I've also had to come to realize that the media and what 'we' hear is actually not even a fraction of what is actually happening behind closed doors. When looking at the candidates for this year's election I dove in to the voting history, the policies, and the records of both men. If I'm being honest? I do see great issues with both people. However, though much research and (if I'm being honest), a lot of 'undoing' of my own perception from the media and other people's opinions around me, I can now say I will be voting for Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election. Here is Why: He has successfully brought reform to the justice system by undoing a lot of the systemic judicial problems when it comes to issues of race. Unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanics, Women, and Asians are at an all time low.... He has successfully brought reform and brought jobs, investing in the education of VOCATION, creating a way for people to get 'out of the cycle' rather than making them reliant on the government. He also enacted safer borders and DNA testing AT the borders to screen for and catch those who are attempting to traffic others in to the US. He has done more to stand up against human trafficking than any President in History. He has also historically been THE MOST Pro-Life president in DECADES. Because of my faith and my beliefs, I believe the protection for the unborn is one of the most important policies to vote for. Any candidate who supports abortion, and even more, LATE-term abortion, is not a candidate I can morally support. I also believe Trump has been historically more pro-faith than presidents in the past... That is not to say that I believe he is a person of faith. Rather, I believe he SUPPORTS those who have faith, and believes Americans should have the right to practice their religion in the ways they see fit. Also, I really appreciate Trump's "Right To Try" care act that allows terminally ill patients the ability to 'try' things outside of big Pharma or 'normalized' medicine. Overall I believe that speaks to policies that supports American's rights to think freely and act freely. Often times I believe President Trump comes OFF brash and unkind, but I also believe there has been no president more demonized by the media. I think his POLICIES are incredible, and frankly, I think his track record has been good over the last four years. An easy or exciting choice? No. Would I EVER pretend like Trump is a perfect, moral, or even 'christian' person? NO. Will I vote for him because I believe he intends to protect the unborn, the faith-based people, and provide a society where people are allowed to have differences of beliefs and opinions? Yes.


    2. Clearly you can't see the difference between protecting faith based people and using faith based people. You are simply and means to an end, he doesn't care about you. And his policies suck, if you had even a basic understanding of civics or economics you'd realize this. You're simply voting for him because your pulpit told you to, and like a good little sheep you do what you're told.

    3. To the guy: my morals, beliefs, and experience has taught that when a person calls other people sheep he 's the one that's about to be sheared . I stand against every thing the left proposes to do if elected from live abortions to gun control. You vote your way and I'll vote my way, that is what makes America great.

  3. You evangelicals are something else man. How are you going to claim to vote for morality in the article, then throw your support to the most morally bankrupt man to ever hold office in the history of the US???? It makes NO SENSE!!! For 2000 years you have been warning people of the antichrist and when he finally comes along you vote for him as President. Stop pretending like there is a war on Christians in America, the only thing people are at war with is the hypocrisy you guys tend to demonstrate over and over and over again. (i.e. Jerry Falwell, La Luz Del Mundo, Ted Haggard, and 100s of others). Please do humanity a favor, own your ineptitude for science, civics, sociology, etc. and maybe site this one out. We literally have 180k dead of a preventable virus and you still pretend to be pro-life, you aren't pro-life you are pro-birth. We have an administration the is wildly corrupt and doesn't even try to hide it. Has no interest in bringing unity as you say you want, but you're all for 4 more years??? Who does that???

    1. They don’t worship freely in the open because they would likely be killed. Yet, for some reason the political left/media (a distinction that no longer even needs to be made) in this country seems to be embracing similar tyrannical ideology to these countries where human rights violations are commonplace, citizens live in abject poverty, and opposing viewpoints are not accepted. It’s a “hard pass” for me on bringing all that to the United States of America.

    2. I read an article recently that addressed the question, "how can one claim to be Christian and support this president"? The author said, "because they are Trump ". Take it for however you interpret it.

    3. I read an article recently that addressed the question, "how can one claim to be Christian and support this president"? The author said, "because they are Trump ". Take it for however you interpret it.

  4. 1Peter also speaks to not only submitting to government authority but HOW to submit in tough circumstances. The Chinese and Iraqi Christians don’t defy their govt by meeting openly, where it’s illegal, rather in house churches where they worship according to their convictions. The US govt has not forbidden ‘worship’ or the practice of ones faith, nor has arbitrarily put the numerical constraints on ANY type of indoor gathering.... they are trying to keep its citizenry safe during a pandemic. Don’t ‘go’ to church, BE the church!

    1. Maggie you are misinformed about China and Iran and other comunist countries. Christians meet in house churches to hide. Not because they are allowed to. When they are found out they ate tortured and killed. Houses burned. The Bible is full of people of God who defied govenment thst went against the decree of God. As a matter of fact that is how this nation came into being

  5. Thank you so much for writing this! I stand with you!

  6. This is a brave and powerful word!! You moved me to tears. So many of us are frozen in fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. It has paralyzed us. God is giving us courage to stand, no matter what others think or say! Fear of God rather than the fear of man has got to be foremost in our life. Thank you so much for your courage. You are inspiring courage in the faint of heart! This was God inspired!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Kind of interesting how I had a similar thought process that led to a very different result. Me realizing that my politics were permanently tangled with my faith is what drove me out of the political game in the first place. Because no options I'm given come close to satisfying how I would want society run.

    I no longer believe that an optimal political climate even includes separation of church and state, the golden cow of Western politics.

    So now I work in a religious capacity, evangelize, and work towards long term missions, but have fallen silent on politics, because I have nothing useful to add - my beliefs simply require me to work in spite of any government I'm being offered. I'm hooped in one way or another no matter who ends up in power.

    Indeed, what a time to be alive.

  9. I read an article recently on "why would someone call themselves a Christian and support Trump?" The author stated. "Because they are Trump." Interpret it as you wish.

    1. Watch Loren Sandford at YouTube, entitled Prophetic ally Speaking The Day After. It's 10 minutes.

  10. Thank you for your thoughtful article and the loving way you wrote it. Somewhere in what you wrote you mentioned capitalism and wonder if you think that works for you or something that Jesus would promote. I try to pray for President Trump every morning and I often pray "Lord please give him wisdom, humility and the courage to do what is right."
    It seems to me that we are at a time in history like when Constantine pretended to accept christianity for political reasons to build his own kingdom. I fear the evangelical church has seen a chance to grab power and aligned themselves with a person who will give them the judges they want and pretend to be pro-life. Perhaps my biggest problem with him is his total disregard for the truth. I am an independent and have voted for both Republican and Democrat. I consider myself pro-life but not just on the abortion issue. I am also against the death penalty and war. I have observed that often abortions are less under Democrat presidents. I have not figured out why that is. Since I sense you are a thinking person I will look for your response.

    1. Hey There,

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful questions. I think the question of whether or not the Bible/Christian worldview supports capitalism or socialism is a REALLY tough one, because honestly, I think the answer is "Yes," in a sense. There are passages such as the law of sewing/reaping, the parable of the talents, the sentiment of working hard for wages scattered all throughout Scripture. There are also SEVERAL passages about caring for the needy, not storing up treasures for yourself, and the timeless passages regarding the early church and how they 'shared their belongings.' As with most things, I think the "right" answer is somewhere in the middle. Cronyism on one extreme and Communism on the other, the way Jesus would want us to live is right in the middle. I believe the law of the GOVERNMENT vs the law of the individual believe is vastly different. I do not believe the government should be responsible to take care of the poor, I believe that is the role of the church and every believer. I believe "borrower is slave to the lender" and that is how so many people in our country get caught in the cycle of 'owing' to the government. That means the Church HAS to step up to care for the poor, the needy, the widows, and the orphans so that the government doesn't have to.

      Does that make sense? that is probably an over-simplified response to a very complicated a lengthy question.

  11. Wonderful, well written ! I will save this!

  12. Is it true that your church recieved PPP loan from the government? - https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/health-and-medicine/article244351182.html

    Seems pretty contradictory to recieve help from the government, but then defy the governor's orders.

    1. Dear "Anonymous"

      The PPP loan is a federal loan, not a state loan. It is not contradictory at all. In my article I state nothing about being against any form of government protection. I simply stated my concern with the 'overreach' and a pattern that spoke to the potential of our freedoms being at stake. Also, it should be noted that is our tax dollars that provide for governmental programs and protections.

  13. If you want to be salt and light to the world, I would ask you to please prayerfully consider what your actions actually say to the unbelieving world, not what you think they say. Ask an unchurched friend what your church's actions say to them. Most of my atheist and unchurched friends would not see churches who defy governor's orders to meet as being bold and standing up for what they believe in. What it says to them is, "My right to meet indoors is more important than other people's health and safety." Is that the message you want to send to the unchurched world? Is that really being "salt and light"? Is it "loving your neighbor"?

    1. Hey Kathy,

      You are making the incorrect assumption that all non-believing or faith based people agree with the decisions and reactions our government has made to the COVID-19 crisis.

      You are also making the incorrect assumption that I only think about or consider people's of faith, or that I believe this country should be a Theocracy.

      The question my blog poses is simply questioning the overreach of the government, the validity of the response to COVID-19, and questions the pending dangers of where I see the country headed: a place where faith is considered dangerous and governmental reign and communism is considered 'safe"

      Thanks for your feedback.



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